I have been doing a lot of watching, listening, reading and reflecting on diversity over the last few weeks. My key takeaway is:
Diversity starts with an open heart, an open mind, the guts to ask open questions and really listen to the answers.
This is only the start of the journey though. A journey that keeps on starting with each new interaction and conversation. With conversation comes the opportunity to learn, to weave others stories with my story, a connection in time that influences me and may influence others. For me, this is diversity.
I have started many of these diversity journeys and chosen not to start others. My world is less rich by not having started these other journeys.
Which brings me to my next realisation - I am only as open to diversity as the people I meet and the places I interact in. I put limits on my life, driven out of fear. My big fear is that people will not, or do not understand me. This fear stops me in my tracks.
It's time to forge new tracks. Today, and every day from now, I let go of this fear and open myself up to follow my passion. Which is a whole other story, for another time.