
Personal Sustainability

I have been reflecting on how we sustain our worlds and have come to the realisation that without sustaining our selves that anything we do in our worlds may not last at long as we intend, or end up as waste.

With this in mind I wrote the following piece to contribute to our syndicate vision for our last Leadership New Zealand retreat in November 2014.

Personal Sustainability

I am the one and only,
I make me whole or blow me apart.
My actions determine my environment
I alone choose to be sustainable, connected and whole
I feed my body, my mind and my soul
Every day – I build relationships through honour and humility.
I lament and cry to cleanse, and laugh and play to enrich

Mostly I learn, I learn to teach.

Teaching the next generation and the generations before
A mix of beauty and tragedy played out on a world stage
Raising consciousness, building bridges and feeding the world with aroha.

Holding safety; safety in place, safety in relationship and safety in self.
Breathing the air that is clean, the water that is pure and the food that is of the land.

I hold the wisdom of elders and peers and pass this on freely

This is the legacy I want “for the children of Aotearoa, New Zealand”