360 Degree Framework
A framework can be thought of as a structure for attaching objects. It becomes the connector to associate objects that may at first glance seem unconnected. Objects can range on the spectrum from abstract to concrete. An Architects concept drawing, for example, may not immediately appear connected to a building’s foundation stone – a linear view. The foundation stone is connected to the concept drawing if we take into account the framework required support the creation of a habitable space – a multidimensional view. Adding in factors such as the impact of the users of the habitable space and the maintenance required for the space to reach its expected useful life gives us a more 360 degree view. Complex organisations show the traits noted above – direction, product, safety, users, suppliers, a beginning and an end. Each of these traits has a behaviour and response. It is fair to posit then that complex organisations are viewable and measurable using a 360 degree framework.
A 360 degree framework for complex organisations could be created by utilising the Smart Challenges and Smart Operating behavioural responses noted previously – providing a contextual view of organisational interdependence and independent identity. A matrix may then be applied to create a multidimensional view by intersecting Smart Challenges and Smart Operating. It also stands to reason that mapping the behaviours and responses of the traits noted above into the model would complete a 360 degree framework that succinctly articulates an organisation in a way that is comparable to other organisations.
Now that we’ve defined a 360 degree framework to assess and compare organisations let’s look at the top 25 behaviours of smart organisations in the next post…