Thought for Friday: Intent

Here’s a Scott Miller discussion with Stephen M. R. Covey called “Stephen M. R. Covey’s Advice to Leaders” (3:38) [FranklinCovey On Leadership, 22-Nov-2018]

In the chat Covey notes the power of declaring our intent. He suggests that this gives a good lens for others to view us from. Intent also builds trust, it’s a high leverage thing to do. It’s also a good test of what it really is. We don’t make up intent if it isn’t real, it’s embarrassing. For us, this is part of planning, engaging and delivering with aligned values.

Some things to consider

  • Extending trust. Give it and get the return.

  • Bringing more caring. The mutual benefit.

  • Gaining hope. A new option.

What is your squad declaring? What lenses are you offering? Who are you sharing this with?

How does this thinking apply to you in your Tribe / Support Function? What are you planning to give to get a return? What options are you considering? Where are you showing that you care?

Why is this important? Good question. The world is full of good intentions. These intentions aren’t always driven by conscious intent. A desired result may focus benevolent intent. This intent may pour money and energy into a cause “to be seen to be doing good” only for trust to be destroyed when a lack of care is exposed. A specific, real and caring intent provides a robust lens to consciously build relationship.

For further viewing / reading:

Inviting you to have a view / read and to have a chat with me about your thoughts

[Originally posted internally in my role in IS Governance at The Warehouse Group.]