Thought for Friday: Words Matter

Here’s short mastery session by Robin Sharma on “Why Your Words Matter”  (6:52) [Robin Sharma, 29-Jan-2016].

In the video he discusses caring about the language we use. He makes the distinction that people can be a leader or a victim but they can’t be both. The words we use can lift our energy and shape our worlds, words are powerful. He introduces the concept of the language of leadership. Talking about loving doing, opportunities, what inspires, the future and being fuelled by what is pleasurablebuilds this language.  For us, this is part of stakeholder management and how we show up in our lives.

Some things to consider:

  • Moving from a language of toxicity.  Checking in on our words, are they helping or hindering?

  • The language we use is a lens on the way we see the world. Shifting our language to shift our lens.

  • Getting words out to clear the way for new ones. Journaling for internal clarity.

What are your words doing for you? Where are they getting in the way? What sayings can be changed to start different conversations?

How does this thinking apply to you as a Project Manager? What messages are you giving your teams? Who is inspired when you talk? What is the lens of feedback telling you? How are communications received?

Why is this important? Good question. Words can build us up or tear us down. Being present when we speak or write helps shape the story we need to tell. Talking to “us” uses the words that we can relate to in a way that we feel we want to be onboard. Pausing can be our greatest ally, creating time to reflect and select the words to say next.

For further reading:

Inviting you to have a view / read and to have a chat with me about your thoughts.

[Originally posted internally in my role as Project Management Practice Lead at The Warehouse Group.]